Happy, loving, playful, sweet, gentle and engaging, Mi-Kis adore people of all ages and pets of all types.
Trusting expression reflects the Mi-Ki’s gentle soul and affectionate nature.
Characteristically calm and quiet, a Mi-Ki may express a warning bark but is seldom yappy.
Usually friendly and outgoing, Mi-kis may sometimes be reserved in new situations.
Two varieties, long coat and smooth face (affectionately called “smoothies”). Smooth face Mi-Kis do not have a beard or mustache, body hair is shorter and requires almost no grooming.
Color marking patterns are either parti or solid.
Colors include cream, red, silver, black, white, blue, apricot, sable, gold, brown, beige, tan, chocolate, brindle, fawn and mahogany. Puppies will often change color before they reach adulthood.
Characteristic intelligence, eagerness to please and sweet nature make them easy to train and well suited to therapy and service work.
Enthusiastically enjoy playtime, yet, require little exercise.
Enjoy participating in rally, obedience and agility.
Convenient size, calm demeanor, and adaptability make Mi-Kis excellent travelers, welcome guests, and ideal for any size home.
Above all, the Mi-Ki’s most endearing quality is their desire to be with you!