AMC Events
Nominations & Elections!
Check your email (including spam/junk folders) for your 2025 AMC board member nomination form! Nominations end on 12/16/25. Elections coming soon!
(Only Regular/breeder Members are eligible to make nominations and to vote)
Mi-Ki Specialty 2024
A few photos of our 2024 Mi-Ki Specialty:
November 2, 2024
Jackson County Agricultural Facility
1869 County Farm Rd
Jefferson, GA 30549
Hosted by the Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Association
We had a tremendous Specialty - our first UKC Event!
Thank you to everyone who attended our first UKC Mi-Ki Specialty. We had the largest turnout of any specialty to date. We look forward to future events with even more participants!
#1: What is a Mi-Ki?
Coming Soon: Breeder Bootcamp Classes
Fall, 2024
Presented by the AMC Board
Via Zoom
This class will help new breeders and pet owners become familiar with the Mi-Ki breed standard. Attendees will learn how to identify a good candidate for health and show conformation to promote consistent type within the breed.
AMC Informational Seminar -
The Benefits of Pet Chiropractic Care
Presented by
All Creatures Every Spine
Dr. Amy Hayek DVM, CAC, CVA
Dr. Bill Ormston DVM, CAC, DVETHOM
AMC Members may view the class on our Education Tab.
Join us for our member’s-only class to learn how chiropractic care can benefit your Mi-Ki.
Recording available now!

Congratulations to our 2023
Mi-Ki Specialty Participants!
October 14
Xenia, Ohio
We were honored to have Guillermo Cavazos from Mexico judge our specialty this year. This was his first time meeting Mi-Kis and we believe we’ve converted a new fan to the breed!
Pictured from left to right, top to bottom: Pat Neuman (with Elsa & Isabelle), our judge Guillermo Cavazos, Pennie Carlson (with Libby), Sue Versmesse (with Desiree & Myles), Donna Gmitter (Pat’s sister with Boomer), Jennifer Martin with (Raya & Onna), Mary Parker (with Zelda), Heba Abido (with Livia and Echo.)
2023 National Mi-Ki Specialty Photo Album
Memories from our 2022 National Mi-Ki Specialty
Did you miss our class?
Whelping Basics will set your Mi-Ki breeding program up for success!
Now posted on our Blog!
Whether you are a new breeder, an experienced breeder, or thinking about becoming a Mi-Ki breeder, WHELPING BASICS with Ji Khalsa of will give you the information you need to have a healthy litter.
If you need to renew your membership or would like to become an AMC member to attend, please apply here. Once approved, you’ll be emailed with payment details to create a Memberspace account which will allow you exclusive access to members-only content. This includes the recording of this class and previous classes.
This class is now available in our Member’s-Only Education Tab. Be sure to log in and/or renew today!
Did you miss our Mi-Ki Zoom Groom Meeting?
How to Groom Mi-Kis
Linda Elliot has been grooming dogs since she was 13 years old. She opened her own grooming shop at the age of 23 and continues to enjoy grooming 43 years later (that’s 53 years of experience!) Linda has also shown and bred Mi-Kis since 2000.
The demonstration covered the most requested pet trims on a long coat Mi-Ki and a smoothie. The same style can work for any age.
In case you missed it, we were able to record the presentation and it is available for AMC members to view on our Education tab.
If you attended and thought of questions after the presentation, please contact Linda at
Coming Soon - Feeding Mi-Kis
Our next educational series will include information about dog food and the specific dietary needs of Mi-Ki dogs and puppies.
Here we are at the 2017 Annual Chicagoland Family Pet Expo
We had a fabulous time at the Expo in March of 2017! Visitors of all ages thoroughly enjoyed our Mi-Kis! See more expo photos!